Brilla qui primavera, qui fiori svariati riversa lungo i fiumi la terra, qui il candido pioppo l’antro sovrasta e le viti ritorte intessono ombrosi ripari (…)

Virgilio – Bucoliche, IX, 40-42

Our Oil


The olive trees include 1500 plants, which are distributed around the various crops and manufacture organic extra virgin olive oil “Le Passioni”.
Our Farm is mentioned in the “Guide for extra virgin oils”, a specialized book connected to Slow FOOD.

Our oil is used by selected restaurants only.


Cherrie trees offer a landscape similar to blooming clouds in springtime and fruits to pick up by hand in summer time.

Verdura di stagione

The products of our organic garden can be purchased in our farm only.
This ensures the real freshness of the vegetables as all nutritional and organoleptic properties are mantained.
We grow zucchini, white and purple eggplants, pumpkins, tomatoes, dairy, cauliflowers and fresh salad.

The potato of Monte Faldo is an autochthonous tuber and is protected by the denomination De.Co (Traditional Local Product)

Our Oil

Give value to work … the oil produced is the result of our work; we care for olive trees, planting, pruning, harvesting, cold milling, and the packaging.
We truly believe that products should remain the fruit of labor and not capital gain.
Each season the oil gets a different flavor and scent than the previous vintage. Nature requires diversity to give harmony. As each season is always different to the previous one, higher rains or more sunny days create different conditions; so the oil will never be the same one. Nature brings oneness, and we trust nature: we take care of it with patience, our work, and let it decide the flavor and taste that the oil will have.

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Our awards

Gambero Rosso 2018

Inserito nella guida con 3 foglie

AIPO d'Argento 2018

1° Classificato nella categoria Fruttato Leggero

AIPO d'Argento 2017

2° Classificato nella categoria Fruttato Medio

Selezionato da Slow Food Italia

Per il “Progetto Olio 2016 – 2017”

AIPO d'Argento 2016

3° Classificato nella categoria Fruttato Medio

AIPO d'Argento 2016

Certificato di merito nella categoria Fruttato Medio

AIPO d'Argento 2016

Certificato di merito nella categoria Fruttato Medio

Certificato di distinzione

Rilasciato nell’anno 2015 dal consorzio di tutela Olio extravergine di oliva Veneto

Slow Food Editore

Pubblicato nella guida agli extravergini 2016

Slow Food Editore

Pubblicato nella guida agli extravergini 2015

Slow Food Editore

Pubblicato nella guida agli extravergini 2014